21 February 2024

St. Claude x Deslonde St. New Orleans, 2012


12 March 2020

11 June 2019

21 January 2019



03 February 2018

31 January 2018

29 January 2018

06 November 2017

06 October 2017

Lets you take the pull down seat in the trunk section in this blue '79 Caprice Station Wagon that faces the "back" window, but since you have let me back up a little here, you'll see bumperstickers (I’D RATHER BE 300 FEET BEHIND YOU!) where it was meant to see windshields and I am stepping on it.  You find it funny and worrisome at once, for this is real rear wheel drive, and my acceleration in reverse gear gallops over the raised and bumpy railroad tracks so the Caprice goes airborne like some major motion heckova hunkova truck commercial and your pants moisten, you have suspended breath and your adrenals could sluice no better if a flaming volkswagen beetle had to be lifted to save your own little bundle of joy, for I have not turned my head to see the road in front of you; I am using the rearview mirror and this is what I meant by let me back up a little here.

Not to worry on this lightly travelled straight and mostly flat road lined with a lot of nothing but cotton fields and the occasional telephone pole should I lose control. I won't, I promise, reassuring that shy of a steep embankment, it is almost impossible to roll a Caprice Station Wagon.  I did not want to scare you so though and feel bad that your bladder has involuntered, how pale you are, so now we coast.  You take a deep breath in a relief that I appreciate as most of all it is audience that I need for this little backing up of mine.

Why don't we visit the drive-thru just like this: you go first, I'll let the electric window down and please order me a coffee along with whatever you like.
Do not try to escape or I will close the electric window on you, its one of the few things General Motors was doing right in '79 and you would be wise to take my word for the python like grip the window crank motor is capable of stopping you with - go ahead, get a Chalupa if you like and I promise to go slow while we eat. Thank you for witnessing my backing up a little here, please buckle up.

17 September 2017

13 June 2017

20 January 2017

17 April 2016

21 August 2015

Po Boy New Orleans

"Mere Nola got me. It's the first poetry book in a very long time I read cover to cover and felt bad that it didn't go on. It's a hell of a book, memoir, diary, journal, told with perfect pitch, great ear, perfect spoken Ingles. Tremendous writer, truly, master of the new Nawrleans lit, if not a chef d'ecole."
-- Andrei Codrescu

I Wuv My Van
DIY Couch Demo

The Mona Lisa Contest

Flower Photography in the Nineties


Rivers Paw


The Garage Door Storey

The Coffee Shop Photographs

There Is A Foot on Geary Street

It's in the Muni bay in front of Martell's Liquors at 20th Avenue; these pictures began in 1987 and end 2003. The last time I checked in 2011 it was still there, collecting its whathaveu. Nathan tries to correct me that Geary is not a Street, but a Boulevard, and a Grand one at that - its mail codes go from 94108 to 94121. But "there is a foot on Geary St." was the mutter that directed me to click my shutter the first time (after three years of notice) and this is what I mean by Language Photography...I recall my mild concern in 1997, when it was marked with orange paint as a defect to fix by a public works employee, but they never got around to repairing this impression made by a shoe cast in wet cement.


Colour Night Real Estate Photography

Corners and Napkins

in the end a pen takes to brick and flails

in the beginning, next to portions of four bricks

is a filthy paper waiting thumbnail, a napkin

chats about waiting in chairs at a reading to hear

then, turning the page a door slams

eardrum pulsing last cigaret looks

these are real corners you could encounter in the world

close at the scale of napkins, inside and out

what I have found, is a wave form

of course,  lunar lighting. stubble of stucco -

I could tell you plenty about Stucco, but Corners and Napkins

is not concerned with stucco, some corners trap

some corners - we do not know

some corners we do, for they Deify light

lime says cool

orange invites lizards to cross

green on the produce sign says notice

napkin relieves, assures

napkin will take a bullet for the Chief

napkin signed verifies invention

napkin tapping at corners of mouth

now decide if to lie and emphasize

cloud billow sail

perfection can be  routinely achieved in the photography of napkins

these resin coated colored 4"x6" papers are satisfying to compile

for the napkin photograph solicits its surface to write on and

i love cycles of perfection to ruin

some of these corners are severe

they are hard and promise it is a cold cruel world

corners you would not like in a prison guard

we like the corner that wanders for god

that cant, that wiggle, is ours

10 Covers of Triton


Inspector Wear Skirts

Hypermiling Saved My Life

Sqibb City

20 August 2015




Randy's Discipline

Teacher dictated the lyric to Randy transcribed it 25 times.
It was exhibited in 1989 at New Langton Arts in San Francisco,
"Special Collections."

From a collection of mostly handwritten papers gathered by William Passarelli
Including a distressed loose leaf by Randy with a no two letters alike handwriting:

1. I will come when I am called. I will not break dance in
the halls. I will not laugh when teacher calls my name.
(x 25)

I heard, and became a colony of its refrain...

Chris Sullivan April 2009 New Orleans

14 July 2015

Ceilings in Warehouse Stores

09 April 2015

Set List
Foodcourt Millionaire
5 Second Rule Taco Bell
Derelict to the Reputation of Quesedilla
Just Ask the Sani-Chlor Guy
Violation Cats in the Freezer

Set List
Haz Mat Schaz Mat
1 Gloves You Kiddin
2 Particle Mask BS
3a Squint Guard
3 Careful its Hell to be a Chicken
4 Thats Just For Safety
5 Fiberglass Putty in the Morning
6 Rubber Cement I Love You
7 Oh the Sweet Industrial Solvents of My Youth

Set List
H A Z A R D O U S   E V E R Y T H I N G
1 If You Got It I Got It
2 Clinic Fed
3 Floor It Yellow
4 Hollywood Stop
5 Just Back Up a Block
6 Don’t Worry About the Breaker
7 Let Me Have a Look Under There

Set List
Roadside Helpers
1 Nothing We Can’t Get
2 Uniondale Waitress Said Twain Winter’d There Like I Should Too,
3 I’m a Mile Marker 403 Solar Call Box Winner
4 Sad Little Donut Tire
5 $58, 5:30 in the morning, El Paso that ain’t bad for a tow truck
6 Best Give My Duct Tape Back Right Now
7 When My Bailing Wire Comes
8 Amazing F****** Grace

Set List
Berkeley Farms Graveyard Shift
1 You Should See This Place At Quitting Time
2 Curtis Front Me a Dime
3 Shitting on Company Time
4 Son Can You Run the Wrapper?
5 Sal’s Nappin on the Nuts and Chews
6 Pallet Stacker Extraordinaire
7 OT from the Get-Go

Set List
Mad Money Gone Bad
Want a TCB Room like at Graceland
Only Alcor Lets You Physically Survive Clinical Death
Gasoline Green Beans Really Work
Should Have Gone to Disneyland
Now That I Own Some E L I X E R

Set List
The Filler Apps
1. Last 4 of your social
2. Zip Code Apartment Number
3. What was the name of the boy who the dog in your security question bit, and do you ever reflect that scar under his right eye persists to this day?

Set List
Laugh or Forever

1 Sorry We’re Not Stopping
2 Donde Compare
3 Welcome to Family Dollar
4 Not Like That Doesn’t Happen Every 20,000 Years
5 Is There One Sip Left
6 Say Remember and I’ll Kill You
7 You’re My Backwards Spiritual Heir

Set List
1 There’s a Reason (I Don’t Have a Life Like Yours)
2 There’s a Reason (You Don’t Have a Life Like Mine)
2a Bootstraps for Dummies
3 Better Than You Know It
4 Jet Ski Party Sunday Morning
5 No Our In Me
6 So I Doored You
7 Try and Take Soul to the Bank

Dirtbag Probability Index

Funny Laugh Wrong Time
He Says Hot Damn Way Too Loud
He’s Used to Talkin Thru Window Holes
Honey, I Got a Name For You
Jokes About Money
Leave a Tip?
Let Me Tell You How To Park
Lingering Eye Chest Contact
Loiters to Wait Under Ladders
Really Wants To Sit in the Car with You
Says Absolutely Way Too Much

His Voice Mailbox is Full

21 April 2012

50,000 Things I Can Do Save(d) the E A R T H



"My Aesthetic did this to me..."

Assembly is in our genes; and now stuff is not just everywhere, its easy to get.

What expressive medium does not become collage.

What greater instrument of Collectography than the Internet, or proving ground


Which if by nature proceeds from an appreciative regard and admiration and curiosity

to court and sight the Buckyball thin lattice structures a boundary the correct and

immemorial Aesthetic, with the other, cannot truly be said to harm?

Or that a right thing might not be made from a collection of these, abiding examples

of What Not.

The center image in collage below (49,992) is called Nourish, by Boyd Webb,

a narrative visual artist whose work appears entirely unacquainted with the

EAE, and says

"The wish to take the domestic into realms beyond the imaginable

seems to me to be a truly human aspiration


From Jack Foley's weekly Cover to Cover poetry program at KPFA

It never occurred to me the Gray Whale had blood vessels large enough that
I could swim through, until I had the experience of hearing Heathcote Williams’
great ecopoem, Whale Nation, a brilliant collage dealing with creatures who can
boast “the largest brain ever created”:
“Blue seas cover seven-tenths of the earth’s surface,
And are the domain of the largest brain ever created,
With a fifty-million-year-old smile.”

This poem, famous in England, is almost unknown in the USA.

It is read by the author.

Part 1

Part 2


in Admiration of Lionel Williams
Color Sandwich Board Parlour Book
387" linear (giclee) Poboy + Marginalia,
Commissioned and Licensed, Slight Publications


49,995: Why does the White Southerner Love George Bush?

He makes Jefferson Davis 2nd Worst President in American History


Just prior to chores in the Garden

run your fingernails through a bar of soap;

and that dirt won't have a chance at wash time


Why did the illiterate Junior White Southerner have to be "Grandfathered" in?

So Blacks could be Taxed Without Representation.

Why did the White Southerner introduce a ballot initiative whereby blacks
would vote overwhelmingly for their own electoral disenfranchisement?

Repeatedly Stealing Elections is too much like work!


Support the N A T U R M O B I L...

"Taken from the word nature and mobile, Naturmobil is a vehicle designed

to run with the help of nature, specifically with the natural force of the horse"


Extract every bit of toothpaste from the tube by tightly rolling

the tube as it is used. When empty, replace the cap and drive a screw

through the top to attach to cabinet door for a "pull" (thumb and forefinger) style handle.

50,000: If you can't do something Nice for the Earth, don't do it at all.

08 June 2011

Repairing a ceiling in K's house, spreading mud, not exactly a Michelangelo at it, listening to As the World Turns, thinking for a full minute a character is a man called Spot ("...Spot you are one of the most amazing Men I've ever met and you deserve..."); it's actually Scott, but I have a new song to work on...

The short of it is, regarding the leak in K's ceiling, an intermittent failure in the seal of bathtub drain of the apartment above. Longer, took a trip to the attic stuffed with: 19th century sewing machines, 45 inch plasma tv boxes, a Canon windows 95 desktop computer, guitars, teddy bears, old water heaters, clothes, collec ted 1960's Playboy subscriptions, blankets, mardi gras beads, building materials, knick knacks, Ronco gadgets, souvenirs, reel to reel audio tapes beneath the close tips of 19th century nails through the roof... 

And a hazard that must be cleared before the tradesman enters.
It's a filthy 120 degrees, beneath the close tips of 19th century roof nails, to gather, collapse,  and consolidate cardboard boxes (styrofoam contempt) fill 8 large debris bags, while reckoning this labor will fill three tanks of gas, 1200 miles, so that's not bad, and then: a fancy shopping bag, Lenox Gifts That Celebrate Life, containing two large ziplock baggies, enclosing two quart sized snap lid plastic tubs (inside paper bags). 

I am a conscientious sorter and certainly this attic has its share of who knows what possessions to look for.  At first I thought, bath salts? Then open the other. Calcium in an aggregate particle size I recognize - along with a faint, indefinable but dreadful smell - of recoil. 

Remains...a hit of nausea, and I had to take a break. 
I delivered K his old beautiful guitar the attic kept two decades at least, a soft white Christmas Teddy bear with a blue sweater. He doesn't know about anyone's ashes. It must be an old tenant, he says. Probably shouldn't leave them there I say. 
Oh no, K agrees, they could be haunting the house. Maybe you could spread them in the garden. 
I think of the cats who turn my flower bed into a cat box, nope.
The Mississippi, five blocks away, sometime this evening. 

In the meantime, where to keep these two containers? 
The fancy shopping bag was torn in the strife purging the attic. 
Not coming into my house. 
Not in my bikes cargo basket. 
But I can live with the plastic cooler under the house. A cool shaded secure chill, Someone's Ashes. I set it inside. 
and Tonight, I think I'm going to go... down to the river, and hope that's alright by you . . . 

So, two quart sized polyethylene snap lid jars, containing human ashes, sheathed in paper bags enclosed in ziplock baggies, found inside a fancy department store bag in K's attic this morning, left long ago by tenant unknown, the sun is waning but yet bright, are you ready? 

Ride in the black shoulder bag Rebecca gave me 2003 or so. 
Okay I'll tell you two stories, I collected a lot of fine beach stuff in this bag, from the Gateway to the Spirit North America, and once religiously kept composition notebook and pen along with blood glucose monitor. Ahh. Sorry. 
But the funny thing is, at the Greyhound Bus Station in Atlanta, beginning in New Orleans and headed for Charleston, I was buying a newspaper when one of its straps got caught in the dispenser and I was... Right, no change in my pocket to open it. I spent 10 furious minutes sawing the strap with a key and then ran to barely catch my bus! 

You tug my shoulder. About... Quart and a half of Calcium... 4lbs? It's a lot of ballast. 
What about Washington Square Park - I'm not getting a clear picture of the Big Muddy. Kind of Sedimentary? This grove with a winding path to the Nola Aids Memorial. Engraved names on granite bricks and glass faces with memorial benches. I don't know what the flora is called, long leaves, purple flowers. And how about some grass. On the lawn. Bright and sunny. Frisbees and blankets and novel readings and picnics, that sound alright? 

Of course not. What am I thinking?

That I met this park in October 2005 when it had been taken over by commune hippies and barefoot doctors. It was called the Welcome Home Kitchen and it was a beautiful thing for a traumatized derelict and 4/5ths abandoned city. 800 good meals a day, a place to congregate. Free peanut butter and clothes and condoms. Meals Ready to Eat. Very Nice Vegetarian Dinners. Community. 
Then the Property Owners got upset and shut it down after Thanksgiving... 

Lets walk down Frenchmen. I'd like a beer from the Deli. And a Peanut Crunch bar I'll enjoy just for you. Two all smiles pretty young girls in little dresses and chubby arms just came in... 

You like this kind of evening don't you?  Warm golden hued, those racketing insects in the trees. Maybe you were the entomologist, I don't know, cicadas', crickets... Now past Check Point Charlies. One guy playing to no one, wah wah 70's funk, lets keep going. 
A crosswalk while we wait for a green-light. 
You were cared about in that fancy shopping bag, inside a bag, inside a bag and inside these sealed jars. You must have been alright and maybe just too sudden or much for someone. I'd guess you are woman about 120-40 lbs, going by previous containers. 
Shoulder tug to say I know you have been ready for a long time. Balcony Music Club - Sunny Side of the Street.... We wont go down Decatur! Left along the Mint toward the River, Right through the Market. Is closing now, just a few vendors closing shop. Would I be surprised at all to learn August 21 is the day you were born. A bantering going on. He's saying: That is None of Your Concern. This is about seeing him next Saturday. Good natured, it appears, but there's always an edge to things people say, you know that. Marvin Gaye on the PA. Why'd his Papa have to take him like that, but isn't that sweet? Now live music playing in a courtyard and when we Kiss Fire... segue into sax solo - Now another left. Smells a little like Singapore by this restaurant. The waiter is on his game and a big round table is happy. Its great smelling and eating tasty things don't you think. Now I can see the Bridge. This is going to be your view, okay. Governor Nichols Wharf to the left, Jackson Square to the right, Algiers just across the way, the Bridge right now, it looks like a Joel Meyerowitz photograph, this is really fine. She and I took our 2nd walk in Nola here. A Saturday in June. That night she went to a wedding and came back a little past tipsy. I was staying in this big impressive house all by myself. We slept in the corner bedroom. Sometimes we'd try the next one over. It was like changing sets or inhabiting a beautiful painting. She said she loved me and it wasn't just the drink saying so. Well it was, but I did.. Did you know this is where I made a movie called Deja Vu with Denzel? Yes Washington. Right across there in Algiers. I was National Guardsman Buck Private DUNN. $75 a day and good food. I felt like a dope in the uniform, but at least I didn't have to wear those silly sailor white bell bottoms. Sure I had a back story - its a little grim for right now though. I'd board the Ferry with a few dozen sailors, we were going to New Orleans on leave to Mardi Gras, so we were supposed to be uninhibitedly happy... There's be an explosion set off by a terrorist to sink the Ferry. They told us the splashes would be added digitally in Los Angeles. Yes, I did, and Denzel gave me the Stink Eye for staring. Oh he is definitely a lot of charisma. So lets do this. I'm climbing down the levee over these rocks. its great being able to walk and balance and hop and carry you. Now there's a little sandbar. I'll put my feet in the water. First Jar. You are a cloud of powder drifting away from the scatter. You are a white plume in the water. You are sinking and filling in the ridges of sand. Now I'm walking a few yards away in the direction of the Bridge. You are another cloud of powder drifting away from the scatter. I've tried to throw you farther. There's a young man stacking or writing with rocks on the sandbar. A couple walking along the Levee. A man sitting up there saying Last week the water was this high. Pointing to where he sits. The young man with the rocks says it can go down fast. Yeah. Pause at the trash can. I'll keep these jars. Rinse them and keep my mother of pearl shards. If you don't mind. Walking back. The band is playing Chaka Kahn. Tell Me Something Good.