31 May 2015

M ' o p e r a




a smorgasbord of spills

a compendium of swills

a panoply of polenta

eggshells, coffee grounds

cookie crumbs

look! there's one

a Magnificent Morsel

of Oatmeal Raisin

up here who knows

if we ocean or land

so eat every speck of food on the plane

they give me

your voice came from so far away

it was so good to hear and say

Au, Contrail! 

("contrails" are flung: streamers of toilet paper)

above this ground of such travail

how the sky turns into a page

oblivious and blue

Rebecca Kauffman

Koom-Bacha Nation

Martha Strawn

Beheader of Prawns

That was 96

No, you are wrong

It must have been

Another throng

I like this one

The Italians are fun

Why dont we take a rest

That crumb is not going anywhere

the Crumb Sings

Shall all your cares beguile:

Wond'ring how your pains were eas'd

And disdaining to be pleas'd

Till Alecto free the dead

From their eternal bands,

Till the snakes drop from her head,

And the whip from out her hands

Now that the sun hath veiled his light...

oh lets. adopt a comfortable posture

to lean

and reminisce

we were just drying on the deck of the lake

David Whistles / Otis Redding

listening to Franticek and Jitka sing

the lonely Shepherd songs

from mountains of check republic

where Laffoley puzzled

the correct particle size pebble

to ballast the auxiliary

box-kite powered bird boat

kinda neo-dada Erica's

and Shannon's toy boat regatta

what was your favorite?

thing to lick?


I am a little embarrassed

Mops do not blush, just swell

of the liberally distributed dance floor sweat drop-lets of



I tried to sway him not to go but o


is on my mind



You know we can't have it all

And this sopped up bliss

Will just turn into mangy-ness

If we are not wrung soon

Oh Mot

We have to choose

Between this magnificently crumbled

Cookie and Vance's puddle of I-a-was-Ca

I think the former

So the lucky crumb is now the latter


There goes Gayle!

Au, Contrail...

May 1, 2008, Gathering at Lake Eden

produced by

Chris / Marguerite / Michael / Giuseppe Gavazza / Jan-Christoph / Nausicaa / Georgia / Molly / David / Elaine / Kevin / Marcus / Tom & Ted

Songs of Henry Purcell:

Music For a While

An Evening Hymn